Many of you know my story, but a majority don’t. I will share more details over time about the ‘whole’ picture, but today I want to tell you how 10 minutes literally changed my life.

Back up to March of 2018. I had been dealing with some health issues that I really didn’t know much about…was still trying to figure out what was wrong…but one day in March of 2018, I was trying to put mascara on and my hand was shaking terribly….it was a Saturday. By that Monday the nerve pain in my upper body had increased and later that week it started to move down my legs.

Fast forward….several months had gone by and my symptoms were increasing in extremeness and manifesting in all parts of my body. From my hands and legs hurting with nerve pain to digestive issues. I had a history of the digestive issues but so many things were going on. At this time I also hurt so bad that I could barely walk around the block.

It took several months and a divine appointment that led to us knowing what was wrong with me. I have an autoimmune disorder called Sjorgrens Syndrome with Nervous System Disorder. This disease effects the mucous and saliva producing glands in the body and it manifests in everyone a little different. For me it has caused issues with my nerves and digestion mainly but also joint issues.

So how did 10 minutes change my life?

I am a very active person and this particular moment in time was very hard for me. I struggled to even play with my kids. I remember growing up my grandma would do a lot of Calisthenics and I remember the show, ‘sit and be fit’….anyone remember that?

So it clicked that I should just try one of these 10 minute videos and see how it goes… philosophy on my physical pain quickly turned….

At first I kept thinking that I will always be in pain and I can’t work out….but after starting these short walking videos, I started having a sense of clarity and good well being…..It went from 2-3 times a week to then incorporating longer workouts.

This step to do a 10 minute workout led me on a path of thinking that has changed my life….

I still hurt, but I felt better as I hurt…

This is what I decided and still holds true after 1.5 years…

***If I am going to hurt, I am going to work my body and hurt. I’m not just going to sit there and hurt***

Road Bike Shadow-Super Fast Lane WomanSo there you have it….. I have consciously decided to keep moving forward and work my body regardless of how hurt I feel. Because if I stop working out, I am going to still hurt so I might as well just keep working out right?

Now I am working out 7 days a week. Various activities from Cycling to Cross Training and workout videos. I am unable to run as much as I used to because that really hurts my joints. But I have fallen in love with Cycling! This year I even rode in an 85 mile ride around Lake Kookanusa, and my plan for next year is to do a few 100 mile rides.

Its all about perspective….again…..If I am going to hurt, I am going to hurt doing something I love!

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